About Project Simmy

Supporting animal welfare through creative, unique pet creation for The Sims 4.

Why Adopt from Project Simmy?

Let me tell you.

Project Simmy is a “pet project” revolving around the adoption of virtual animals meant to be homed and cared for in The Sims 4, while also advocating for their real life counterparts. 

PLEASE NOTE: Project Simmy is still in its very early stages! We are working on adding more pets, custom content, builds, and more ASAP!

How does donating work?

Project Simmy does not collect donations from our users or adopters. We simply direct you to groups, shelters or organizations that are dedicated to finding forever homes for furry friends! On each available pet listing, you will have the opportunity to read more about their real life counterpart, and should you choose, donate to the organization housing them.

Once you’ve decided which pet you’d like to adopt, you may fill out their adoption form and we will deliver them to you as soon as possible. We might throw in a few goodies too! Remember, unique pets are one-of-a-kind and are adopted out to only ONE Sims family, so act fast!

Our Mascot

Playful - These pets love toys and want to play all the time, even when they’re not excited.Affectionate - These cats really love their owners. They’ll try to stick close to them whenever possible.Spoiled - These cats are spoiled creatures. Scolding them hardly ever changes their behavior.
Pet Trait Info | Our Mascot!

Simmy is a plucky little orange tabby. He is sweet, affectionate, spoiled rotten, and really loves to play. Unlike some other pets on Project Simmy, he is our mascot, and you are free to adopt him without any need for an application!

Age: Young| Gender: Male

Simmy is the Project Simmy mascot and is always available!
Our Patreon

About Simmy

Simba, or Simmy for short, is a brave 16-year-old kitty who is currently fighting cancer. His loving owners spoil him with treats and quality time, and Project Simmy was inspired by both their willpower to give him the best possible life, and Simba’s fighting spirit.

Despite his age and the challenges that come with such a diagnosis, Simba remains resilient and his family, and Project Simmy, are hopeful that he will overcome this difficult time and continue to enjoy his golden years for many more to come. Welcome him into your game by adopting him above! And much love from all of us.

Art imitating life.

Because each of our pets are meticulously hand-painted, each unique pet is only adoptable by ONE Sim family. This is done to add a layer of excitement and exclusivity to your adoption. Just like in real life, no two pets are exactly alike!

Remember, all of our unique animals have a real life counterpart that also up for adoption! You are welcome to learn more about them on their own adoption sites, which we will link to, of course.

Don’t forget! There are limited AND unlimited edition pets available to adopt, too!

Stay in the loop.

Pets at Project Simmy are released as often as possible. Due to the amount of time it takes to create them, there may be points where pets aren’t available for a bit. Rest assured, we are doing our best to release them as soon as we possibly can!

In the mean time, sign up for our newsletter and we’ll alert you the next time a new pet is made available for adoption, when we release custom content, or if we have to share any important news with you.

Rest assured, your personal information will never be sold.